Opening Times

Aden Allotments

Following consultation with the local community Aden Community Allotment Association was formed in 2012. Construction took place the following year using a grant of £77,000 from “Keep Scotland Beautiful”. The allotments opened to the first plotholders at the end of the year and the site was officially opened by Jim McColl of the Beechgrove Garden in June 2014.

Jim McColl Beechgrove Garden Opens Aden Allotments

Aden Allotments became a charity in 2018, supporting both the plotholders and the local community. Over the years Aden Allotments has held a number of fund-raising events including Open Days and the very popular “Tea in the Cabin”. Some external grants and active fund raising has allowed the purchase of 2 large cabins which include a social area, a large store, a shop, and toilets. The allotments are constantly being upgraded to meet the changing needs of the community.

allotments in Aden Country Park

At the moment there are 90 plots of varying sizes. These can be let by people who live within 8 miles of Aden Country Park. Some of plots have been let by Community Groups which have included Aberdeen Foyer, Mintlaw Community Church and SAMH. We currently have one plot which is used by people with Health Issues supported by Aden Allotments.

More information on the Aden Allotments website

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